
Showing posts with the label Cambridge

Sunset over New Square, Cambridge

Wednesday Photo: Walking with the dog onto Midsummer Common, Cambridge

Wednesday Photo: The Big Wheel, Parker’s Piece, Cambridge

Wednesday Photo: David’s Bookshop, Cambridge, on a spring day

Wednesday Photo: Spring springing on an overcast day on Granchester Meadows

Wednesday Photo: Urban Promenade

Wednesday Photo: Sunday Tennis on the courts on Christ's Pieces, Cambridge

Wednesday Photo: Lovingly tending Newton’s apple tree in front of Trinty College, Cambridge

Wednesday Photo: Punts “sailing calmly on” under Trinity Bridge, Cambridge

Wednesday Photo: The spire of All Saints’ Church, Cambridge at sunset

Two autumn views of Cambridge

Wednesday Photo: Cattle on a very dry Stourbridge Common, Cambridge

Wednesday Photo: Late spring picnic on Jesus Green

An introduction to, and first walk through of, the classic Shin Buddhist text, The Tannisho

A few photos from this weekend’s COP26 Coalition march in Cambridge

A few photos taken over the last week in Cambridge, Fen Ditton and on Grantchester Meadows

Spring blossom in Cambridge