
Lessons from Van Helmont's Tree for freethinking, rational mystics

The World Needs a Secular Community Revolution—An article by Michael Price

My old Raleigh Superbe deep in the Cambridgeshire Fenland near Wicken

Chloë and Ben’s Wedding Blessing by the small Lac de Fredyières in the French Alps near Grenoble

A few photos of the Cambridgeshire Fens near Wicken Fen

The good prophet or the bad? A further thought on Franco "Bifo" Berardi's letter of resignation from DiEM25

Franco "Bifo" Berardi: Democracy is not possible in Europe

Reason & Reverence

"Toward a Humanist Vocabulary of Reverence" (an essay by David Bumbaugh) and the "Declaration of the Marginal Mennonite Society"

When the rain comes . . .