
A visit to Anglesey Abbey

A couple of photos from another ride into the Fens

Time-scissored work - the meaning-ful giftedness of fragments

Upholding of the liberal Christian tradition - the United Church of Christ and the Unitarian Universalist Association hold 'intentional' meetings

Another spin out into the fens

Coyote, the parable of MetaK and the future of liberal religion

The Task of the Minister - some Universalist advice from Robert Cummins in 1947

A late January spin into the fens on the Dursley-Pederson

Particularity and universal love, a hard won fruit - A meditation inspired by Virgil and George de Benneville

Enlisted by birth, environment and choice, under Jesus' banner - a liberal Christian thought from 1923 by J. Cyril Flower, minister of the Cambridge Memorial Church (Unitarian)