
“Seiza — Quiet-sitting for Beginners” by Kobayashi Nobuko-sensei, a new translation

“Seiza is a lifelong practice,” by 柳⽥誠⼆郎 Yanagida Seijiro (translated by Andrew James Brown & Miki Nakura from the book “岡⽥式 静坐のここ ろ”, The Heart of Okada Style Seiza)

Farewell to a much loved snag, hello to a new log

Artificial intelligence, photoshop, the resurrection and the ugly broad ditch

Wednesday Photo: A summer's day visit to the Cambridge University Botanic Garden

Seeing the right-wing riots on the TV makes me repost this piece of mine from 2009 called, “The liberal sin of omission par excellence” . . .

Bees and Scabious in the Cambridge University Botanic Garden

Imaoka Shin’ichirō-sensei’s (1881-1988) “My Principles of Living (revised)” (1973) and an NHK interview (1973)