Some Pantheistic and Spinozistic links

Just a quick post, in part, to point you to The Internet Archive because the books I am about to mention are available there. This really is a wonderful resource for all kinds of reasons as you will see if you take a spin by it yourself.

However, this particular post was occasioned by reading J.Allanson Picton's work Pantheism and its significance (1905). It echoes - how ridiculous! - I mean I have been echoing much of what Picton says. If you are interested take a quick look, especially at Chapter Three (Modern Pantheism) and the Afterword.

Another of his books which looks like it might be worth taking a look at (I've yet to read it but am about to start) is called The religion of the universe (1904). In it are a couple of chapters obviously dealing with how Pantheism might relate to Christianity - of interest to me naturally, because I wish to maintain a real connectedness with the Judaeo-Christian tradition, at least in its liberal forms.

He also published a Handbook to the Ethics on Spinoza's great book. Again it may well be worth a look - I'll certainly have a peek at it.

But whatever else you do, do take a look round the site. The Radio Archive is great, there are ephemeral films and even music. My wife and I are currently listening to the 1950s BBC serial Journey into Space. A delight . . .


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