What else, on earth, is the church for? - A statement of support offered to the OccupyLSX protesters

As I mentioned last week five members and attenders of the Memorial Church (Unitarian) in Cambridge went down to show our support for the OccupyLSX protesters at St. Paul's. In the photo, left to right, are Sonja Klinsky, Irish Sirmons, Ryan Sirmons (United Church of Christ [USA] ministry student on placement this year at the Memorial Church), Claire Henderson Davis and myself.

Claire Henderson Davis prepared a personal statement that she gave to both the BBC and to the protesters themselves. Claire and I also had a very brief interview with the BBC about her statement and the general situation as it then was. The footage was not used but we hardly expected it would! Still, we are glad to have been able to show our support to the protesters and we were very kindly welcomed by them. The situation has, of course, considerably improved since last Sunday as the Cathedral and the City of London Corporation have now withdrawn their immediate threat of eviction but I think Claire's words remain powerful and I recommend them to you. If you are minded to come we'll meet, as usual, for our conversation in the church hall behind the church on Emmanuel Road Cambridge at 7.30 for 8pm to talk about the issues Claire raised.


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