Delivery from Slavery: Attempting a Biblical Theology in the Service of Liberation—Dick Boer

As many of you will know I value highly the thought of Ernst Bloch (1885-1977), a German Marxist who fully understood the potential revolutionary power of the Biblical text. Leftist thinkers like Bloch are all too rare so I was delighted and intrigued when a couple of weeks ago a comrade of mine kindly pointed me in the direction of the soon to be published paperback version of an English translation of a book by a Dutch pastor, Dick Boer (b. 1939), who, in 1984, was called to be a minister in the Dutch Ecumenical Congregation in the DDR (Niederländische Ökumenische Gemeinde in der DDR) where he remained until after the fall of the wall and the end of the DDR.

The book concerned (the link here is to the hardback edition) is called Delivery from Slavery: Attempting a Biblical Theology in the Service of Liberation (Brill and Haymarket, forthcoming October 2016)

The new foreword was written by Roland Boer and, should you be intrigued, you can read that at the following link:

You can also read a closely related piece by Roland Boer online at the Political Theology Today forum for interdisciplinary and inter-religious dialogue:


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