A few photos from the Cambridgeshire Fens near the Wilbrahams

Wildflowers along the path beside Quy Water
Yesterday, on one of my days off, I decided to take the footpath from Quy Water Bridge south-east towards Little Wilbraham and turn off towards the south-west along Caudle Ditch (towards Teversham) along which I had never walked. I then came back via Fulbourn and Great Wilbraham Common (taking in a peek at the grassland found along Fen Drove Way). After the recent very hot weather I was rather glad to be out and about on a cloudy and much cooler day.

All the photos here were taken with a FujiX100F.

Just click on a photo to enlarge.

Fingerpost pointing towards the path along Caudle Ditch

Along Caudle Ditch

Along Caudle Ditch

Along Caudle Ditch

Along Caudle Ditch

Along Caudle Ditch

Fulbourn—down Fen Drove Way

Fulbourn—down Fen Drove Way

Fulbourn—down Fen Drove Way

Folly, or perhaps a gate house (?) by Herring's House

Folly, or perhaps a gate house (?) by Herring's House

Folly, or perhaps a gate house (?) by Herring's House

Great Wilbraham Common

Great Wilbraham Common

Great Wilbraham Common

And back where I started . . .


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