A few photos from a summer spin over to the bronze-age burial mound at Mutlow Hill on Fleam Dyke

This afternoon I took a spin on the Pashley Guv'nor over to Fulbourn Fen and onto Fleam Dyke in order to sit under the oak tree on the bronze-age burial mound at Mutlow Hill and eat my sandwiches, drink a flask of tea and read some Epicurus and a few verses from Jefferson's "Life and Morals of Jesus."  It was a splendid jaunt and all along the dyke I was surrounded by butterflies including, I think, some beautiful Chalk Hill Blues (see the picture below).

All photos taken with a Fuji X100F
Just click on a photo to enlarge it

The start of Fleam Dyke

Wildflowers along Fleam Dyke

Mutlow Hill

Mutlow Hill

Mutlow Hill looking towards Wadlow Wind Farm

Fleam Dyke looking back towards Fulbourn

Chalk Hill Blue butterflies (?) cavorting alongside my front wheel

Fleam Dyke looking back towards Fulbourn

Fleam Dyke looking back towards Fulbourn

In the churchyard of St Vigor's, Fulbourn

The Pashley "Guv'nor" in the churchyard of St Vigor's, Fulbourn


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