Some photos of an early autumn walk along Fleam Dyke, Cambridgeshire to Mutlow Hill and back through Fulbourn Fen

Some photos of an early autumn walk along Fleam Dyke, Cambridgeshire to Mutlow Hill and back through Fulbourn Fen

All photos taken with a Fuji X100F
Just click on an image to enlarge it  

The end of Fleam Dyke as it drops down to Fulbourn Fen

Fleam Dyke

Fleam Dyke

Fleam Dyke

Mutlow Hill to the left of the beech tree 

Mutlow Hill and the beech tree

Mutlow Hill to the left of the beech tree

Fleam Dyke beyond the gate

Mutlow Hill to the left of the beech tree

Fleam Dyke from underneath the beech tree

Mutlow Hill and the trees beyond

Mutlow Hill under the branches of the beech tree

Fleam Dyke

From Fleam Dyke

A magnificent oak tree on Fulbourn Fen

A magnificent oak tree on Fulbourn Fen


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