
Showing posts with the label Christian Atheism

God is nowhere, does not exist—but God may happen

“The midmost hangs for love”—being a brief autobiographical piece about my own journey to “Christian atheism” or “ecstatic humanism”

The case for an Ecstatic Humanism—being “skeptics with naturally religious minds” or “open-minded ‘reverent’ humanists”

“We say God and the imagination are one... How high that highest candle lights the dark”—a religion without God and an ecology without Nature?

“Of course there is no God. But we must believe in Him”—Eric Voegelin (1901-1985)

An address for the end of Refugee Week 2018—“When the law of the strong, and of natural selection, took the place of the word of love, it became apparent that giving up the Bible is not always enlightened: Nero’s torches can burn all the brighter for it.”—Ernst Bloch (1885-1977)

"Ernst Bloch on Thomas Müntzer": Peter Thompson interviewed by Spiked Review on Ernst Bloch, the Marxist atheist who took religion seriously as the bearer of utopia

“I think we need grit, responsibility and determination instead of hope.” An excellent, insightful interview with Wendy Brown by Jo Littler on the way neoliberalism is changing and what we need to be doing about it . . .

“Let me be FRANK” — A rainy afternoon Christian Atheist meditiation