
Showing posts with the label Cambridge Unitarian Church

It is human to have compassion for those in distress

All hail to the work of the civilised worm! — the creative, inquiring, free and liberative activity of free-religion

Instructions for living a life: Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.

On wobbly Jenga towers, church governance, yeast, broken bread, communion, metamorphosis and a modern, free and inquiring religion

The Five Daily Prayers of Ittōen with their additional commentaries

What an apprenticeship in tailoring might tell us about the making of a creative, free spirituality or religion . . .

A gentle plea for some basket-weaving and aphanipoiesis

A mystery is something in which I am myself involved

“The Eternal Buddha is no one else but the Eternal Christ” — A Christmas Day Meditation