
Showing posts with the label free religion

A free-religious community re-reading of the Parable of the Prodigal Son — “the saviour was not the father but the home”

A nascent form of integral, liberal, free religious worship

It is human to have compassion for those in distress

A project to translate “Norbert Fabián Čapek’s “To the Sunny Shore: A Guide to Living Joyfully” (“K slunnému brehu: Prúvodce do radostného Zivota”)

Living well upon wondrous, mysterious facts . . .

Full belief in “a newer testament, — the gospel according to this moment”

All hail to the work of the civilised worm! — the creative, inquiring, free and liberative activity of free-religion

A secular spiritual pilgrimage around the Res publica

“Far back through creeks and inlets making, comes silent, flooding in, the main” — are we seeing the return of the Sea of Faith?