
Showing posts with the label IARF

Imaoka Shin’ichirō and Free Religions — International Association for Religious Freedom’s (IARF) Free Religion Institute: Inaugural Sessions

A booklet from 1964 by Imaoka Shin’ichirō on the Japan Free Religious Association, Religion for the World of To-morrow and suggested name change of the I.A.R.F.

Richard Boeke and Imaoka Shin’ichiro-sensei — making a further connection with “a free-and inquiring religion,” the yeast that lies at the heart of the British Unitarian movement’s objects

A video by George Williams about free-religion and the 36th Congress of the International Association for Religious Freedom

Unplanned obsolescence and how, perhaps, to avoid it . . .

“Religion for the World of Tomorrow” (1964) by Imaoka Shin’ichirō

“Selected Writings on Free Religion and Other Subjects” by Shini'chirō Imaoka & “Liberal Religious Reformation in Japan” (1984) by George M. Williams

There is only the dance, and we rebound back into simply saying yes to life while life lasts.