
Showing posts with the label Unitarian

At last, a chance to fulfil the unfulfilled promise of liberal, free-religion

The epiphany of there being no (capital “E”) Epiphany?

A first-draft English translation of the 1939 edition of Norbert Fabián Čapek’s “To the Sunny Shore: A Guide to Living Joyfully” (K slunnému brehu: Prúvodce do radostného Zivota)

Full belief in “a newer testament, — the gospel according to this moment”

A booklet from 1964 by Imaoka Shin’ichirō on the Japan Free Religious Association, Religion for the World of To-morrow and suggested name change of the I.A.R.F.

A genuine, Unitarian mantra recalled

Re-visiting Josiah Royce’s “The Problem of Christianity” and a note about the connection with Imaoka Shin’ichirō (1881-1988), John Haynes Holmes (1879-1964) and Community Religion

A brief address on the occasion of my Kikyoshiki