
Showing posts with the label Kodak T-Max P3200

Wednesday Photo: Father and daughter paddling off Margate Sands, August 2023

Winter cycling along the River Cam at Waterbeach

A late summer spin to the Wale Obelisk and the Queen’s Head, Newton

Wednesday Photo: The Backs, Cambridge, on a hot, sunny, summer’s day

Contemplating Chanctonbury Ring on a summer’s eve

Wednesday Photo: A Cambridgeshire Green Lane

A country cottage garden table with flower

Wednesday Photo(s): Margate in black and white

Wednesday Photo: A shady spot among the pines in the Cambridge University Botanic Garden

Wednesday Photo: Walking with the dog onto Midsummer Common, Cambridge

Wednesday Photo: The Big Wheel, Parker’s Piece, Cambridge

Wednesday Photo: David’s Bookshop, Cambridge, on a spring day

Wednesday Photo: A full punt on the River Cam