A late summer spin to the Wale Obelisk and the Queen’s Head, Newton

The Wale Obelisk

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This morning, as my last ride of my summer leave, I decided to take a late summer spin out to the south of Cambridge to see the Wale Obelisk and then to go on to the Queen’s Head, Newton for some soup (on this occasion it was the “Light Brown” variety), a sandwich, and a pint of lovely Adam’s Bitter. Once again I went out on my newly acquired 1951 Hercules Kestral and a splendid time was had. I hope you enjoy the photos.

The Wale Obelisk

The inscription on the obelisk can be read by clicking this link

The view from the obelisk looking towards the east-north-east

The Queen’s Head, Newton

A cottage on Town Street, Newton

Manor Farm House, on Town Street, Newton

The Walston Mausoleum in the churchyard of St Margaret’s Church, Newton. This was designed by Sir Ambrose Poynter in 1922 to contain the ashes of Sir Charles Walston’s (1856-1927) parents-in-law, David and Caroline Einstein. Walston’s own ashes are standing on the pedestal in a Roman glass urn which came from Herculaneum that was given after his death by the Italian government in honour of his campaign to get Herculaneum excavated. Click this link for more information.

The Walston Mausoleum

The Walston Mausoleum

St Margaret’s Church, Newton

The churchyard of St Margaret’s Church, Newton.

St Margaret’s Church, Newton.

St Margaret’s Church, Newton.

The Village Hall and green seen from Town Street

The Queen’s Head, Newton, seen from Town Street

The Addenbrookes to Great Shelford Cycleway on the way home to Cambridge


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