
Showing posts with the label God

An obvious framework of ordinary, everyday existence, or the universal life seen in every newborn child

God is a DJ

Constancy and change are not opposed but inextricably connected

“Look, there! That’s what I mean by God!” — God as event

God does not exist . . . but God may happen

Spiritual power beyond the known self — on the grace displayed by an unsecured (or secured) door

This monument is for the unknown good in our enemies—A few thoughts on the idea of the "the Good" (or "God") in the context of Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day, drawing on a poem by the American poet and pacifist, William Edgar Stafford (1914-1993)

Weekly greetings and a piece from the archive: The quiet opening—“To be that porous, to have such largeness pass through me”—A meditation on what the coming liberal religion might feel like

‘We are the Christians who move on’ or ‘Overcoming is worthy only when we think about incorporation’ — some thoughts on ‘God’, ‘verwindung’ and ‘überwindung’