
Showing posts with the label creative free spirituality

Imaoka Shin’ichirō and Free Religions — International Association for Religious Freedom’s (IARF) Free Religion Institute: Inaugural Sessions

The therapeutic journey towards becoming free-spirits

Full belief in “a newer testament, — the gospel according to this moment”

All hail to the work of the civilised worm! — the creative, inquiring, free and liberative activity of free-religion

A secular spiritual pilgrimage around the Res publica

The meaning and mythology of Shinto, J. W. T. Mason and Imaoka Shin’ichirō

Ladies and gentlemen, roll-up, roll-up, get your free, free-religious spectacles here . . .

Imaoka Shin’ichirō-sensei’s (1881-1988) “My Principles of Living (revised)” (1973) and an NHK interview (1973)