
Showing posts with the label colour photos

Wednesday Photos: Mirrors on New Square, Cambridge

Wednesday Photo: Bicycles by a wintry Christ’s Pieces, Cambridge

Wednesday Photo: Moon and Venus over New Square, Cambridge.

Wednesday Photo: Sunrise over Cambridge

Sunset over New Square, Cambridge

Wednesday Photo(s): The Don Juan Café in the Dane John Gardens, Canterbury

Wednesday Photo (on a Thursday): Margate, May 2022

The morning walk through Christ’s Pieces to my study at the Unitarian Church and the walk back

Wednesday Photo (on a Thursday): Round Pond, Kensington Gardens

Wednesday Photo: Autumn in Mill Road Cemetery

Wednesday Photo: St Peter’s Church, Castle Hill, Cambridge

Wednesday Photo: One Quad Skull, one Ken, one Action Man, and many Cindy Dolls

Wednesday Photo: A summer's day visit to the Cambridge University Botanic Garden

Bees and Scabious in the Cambridge University Botanic Garden

A summer’s day ride to Haslingfield, Cambridgeshire on the trusty Raleigh Superbe