
Showing posts with the label Imaoka Shin'ichirō

The true spirit of Pentecost — freely, creatively and rhizomatically educational, always and everywhere.

Wednesday Photo: Spring Sunset over Suffolk . . . and a few words by Okada Torajirō talking about Ralph Waldo Emerson

In praise of syncretism, the impurity of all religions, and the tumbling down of walls

We are all manifestations of the Great Spirit, children of God, containing infinite treasures within ourselves . . .

Nothing belongs to anyone: all things belong to the whole

The Purpose of Tokyo Kiitsu Kyōkai by Imaoka Shin'ichirō (September 1950, “Creation” [創造], Issue No. 1) and an introductory essay

Richard Boeke and Imaoka Shin’ichiro-sensei — making a further connection with “a free-and inquiring religion,” the yeast that lies at the heart of the British Unitarian movement’s objects

Deep and again deep: The gateway to all mystery . . . A meditation on the total eclipse of the sun, 2024

Jjiyū Shūkyō (a creative, free spirituality) as a Silken Tent