
Showing posts with the label Wittgenstein

Weekly greetings and a piece from the archive: The quiet opening—“To be that porous, to have such largeness pass through me”—A meditation on what the coming liberal religion might feel like

The great mutual blindness darkened that sunlight in the park—A Remembrance Sunday memorial address for all those killed in war, including those who were, or still are, our enemies

A non-prophet organisation?

What can we learn from tying a rope around the world?

“The midmost hangs for love”—being a brief autobiographical piece about my own journey to “Christian atheism” or “ecstatic humanism”

Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent—some lettering by Eric Marland

“More dangerous than an unanswered question is an unquestioned answer” — a meditation on the need to leave behind the old Unitarian doctrine that “God is One” and move from IS to FLOWING