
Wednesday Photo: Walking with the dog onto Midsummer Common, Cambridge

And a world begins under the map—On the need to make errors and poetically, creatively, magically, invoke new worlds of being

Wednesday Photo: The Big Wheel, Parker’s Piece, Cambridge

Unplanned obsolescence and how, perhaps, to avoid it . . .

Wednesday Photo: David’s Bookshop, Cambridge, on a spring day

An interfaith, Buddhisto-Christian, consequence of Pentecost

Cow-parsley on Ditton Meadows and a poem by A. R. Ammons

Wednesday Photo: A full punt on the River Cam

“Religion for the World of Tomorrow” (1964) by Imaoka Shin’ichirō

Not in the saving, but in the spending well of your precious life will you find your treasure, and there your heart will also be