
How can fascism be opposed in any other way than by force of arms? — A meditation for Remembrance Sunday

“How to Be a Conservative-Liberal-Socialist”—Leszek Kołakowski

Wednesday Photo(s): Italian Gardens, The Long Water and the Round Pond, Kensington Gardens, London

Creatively Circling the Sacred and the Secular

Every day is new, a fresh beginning

Wednesday Photo (on a Thursday): Round Pond, Kensington Gardens

Living well upon wondrous, mysterious facts . . .

Wednesday Photo: Autumn in Mill Road Cemetery

The therapeutic journey towards becoming free-spirits

Wednesday Photo: Sunset over Felixstowe Docks, Suffolk from Ramsey, Essex

Full belief in “a newer testament, — the gospel according to this moment”

Wednesday Photo: St Peter’s Church, Castle Hill, Cambridge

John Row in conversation with musician and Unitarian church minister, Andrew Brown

All hail to the work of the civilised worm! — the creative, inquiring, free and liberative activity of free-religion