En vacance

Just in case anyone out there comes to this site expecting loads of interesting activity for the next couple of weeks I ought to let you know I'm on holiday so won't be blogging much until September. Have a lovely time out there . . .


Anonymous said…
I have discovered your blog and church website and am very impressed with your take on Unitarianism.

Would you take a look at our site:
http://www.americanunitarian.org/ and consider the occasional participation?

It appears your views are very much in line with many of our members...some are Unitarian Christian, others may be more Deist / Transcendentalist oriented..but your position would be appreciated.

Thank you (AUC poster name Eruonen)
Thanks Eruonen. Actually I got to meet David Burton (one of the founders of the American Unitarian Conference) back in 2006 at I conference I organised at Trinity College in Cambridge at which was discussed the future of the Unitarian Christian Tradition. You can find the papers given at that symposium at the Unitarian Christian Association's website (www.unitarianchristian.org.uk). The AUC has an interesting site and thanks for reminding me of it. Anyone else reading this should certainly pay the site a visit.