The failure of Neoliberalism and how to solve it | George Monbiot interview

As regular readers of this blog will know, I’ve been going on about the pernicious neoliberal project for many years (see here). For most of that time I have had people who really should have known better (i.e. people professionally involved in politics, economics, and business studies) tell me that neoliberalism simply doesn’t exist. It’s been an incredibly depressing, distressing and frustrating time but, thankfully, more and more people are now waking up to its reality and books are finally being published which bring this awful, destructive doctrine into the light.

I’ve been lucky to meet George Monbiot a couple of times and to talk with him at reasonable length about neoliberalism’s disastrous effects upon our lives. He’s someone who has also known about this for many years, and so I’m delighted that he’s been able to get this book, written with Peter Hutchinson, published by a major, high profile, popular publisher, Penguin Books.

Please, please, please, buy it and read it, and as Gaia Vince says, get angry and demand better.

Secret History of Neoliberalism (& How It Came to Control Your Life) by George Monbiot & Peter Hutchinson


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