
Showing posts with the label God or Nature

Forget sacrifice — for Lent and forever more — the question is how to remain faithful to all the impossible, necessary resurrections

“Raphèl maí amèche zabí almi” — Babel, not a punishment for a sin, but God-or-Nature’s (deus sive natura’s) gift of diversity

Encounter—a religious naturalist “road to Damascus” experience

When you realize that everything is interconnected, you can't hold on to a concept of a single, solid, present-at-hand thing “over there” called Nature—a few photos of a very hot Botanic Garden and a few words by Timothy Morton

On thirteen or more Blackbirds and Spinoza's God-or-Nature

Divinizing nature and naturalizing the divine—some black and white photos of the woods and meadows by the River Cam

This Morning Again It Was in the Dusty Pines — to divinize nature and naturalize the divine