
Showing posts with the label Unitarian and Free Christian Churches

Neoliberalism's destructive influence both inside and outside the modern Unitarian movement

Authenticity and the they—some reflections after our first same-sex marriage in the church

An Assembly of Presences — A short address for the church AGM and my brief remarks written for the annual report

Maintenance or mission? — A problem with the current ecumenical situation in the UK or, "Would Jesus Join A Christian Church Today?"

One way of looking at a blackbird followed by thirteen more whilst I registered the Memorial (Unitarian) Church in Cambridge for same-sex marriages . . .

Thinking through our Unitarian and Universalist symbolism - a meditation for Holy Week

"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" - a brief address before the church's Annual General Meeting

An M. R. James inspired set of photos taken on an evening stroll around Cambridge

Remembering the religious roots of liberal, secular thought - a case for continuing "to uphold the liberal Christian tradition"