
Epiphany — Walking with the three Magians between doubtful maximal belief and total secular humanism

A few photos from New Year's Day on Christ's Pieces, Jesus Green and Midsummer Common, Cambridge

Ten black and white photographs around Cambridge at the tail end of the decade

Our gift of Life in context see, a pearl of Grace in Eternity—An address in preparation for the New Year 2020

Christmas Day Address 2019 — The Source that Beckoned

Mary ponders and a muddy pond clears—that for which, in Advent, we await (a post-election Advent address)

Scattering the proud in the imagination of their hearts; putting down the mighty from their seat; exalting the humble and meek; filling the hungry with good things — an Advent address written to outline the task before a progressive, liberal-religious, free-thinking community following Thursday's General Election (2019)