A few photos from New Year's Day on Christ's Pieces, Jesus Green and Midsummer Common, Cambridge

A few photos from New Year's Day on Christ's Pieces, Jesus Green and Midsummer Common, Cambridge
All taken with a Fuji X100F, all straight out of the camera jpegs
Just click on a photo to enlarge

Christ's Pieces

Christ's Pieces

Christ's Pieces

Christ's Pieces

Christ's Pieces with the Unitarian Church in the distance on the left

Christ's Pieces

Christ's Pieces

Christ's Pieces

Christ's Pieces

Belmont Place looking into Jesus Lane

Jesus Lane

 Public lavatories and hayloft by Midsummer Common 

Trees surrounding Jesus College, from Victoria Avenue

London Plane tree on Jesus Green 

Trees around Jesus College from Jesus Green

Avenue of London Plane trees, Jesus Green

Avenue of London Plane trees, Jesus Green

Trees around Jesus College from Jesus Green 

Narrow boat and tender, River Cam, by Jesus Green 

Brunswick Cottages, Midsummer Common

Trees, Midsummer Common

North Terrace on Midsummer Common

Brunswick Walk, Midsummer Common
