
Not a riddle to be solved . . . the Haiti earthquake

Gold, frankincense, myrrh, a teapot, some broken crockery and some old cabbage - assembling reminders for Epiphany

A nota bene to my last post

St John the Divine, Isaiah, ducks and rabbits - or an odd, but important, way of seeing the world

To go down into the depths you don't need to travel far; you can do it in your own back garden . . . (or above Tintern Abbey)

How small a thought it takes to fill a whole life! - On Magi and modern astronomers

"Follow the child. And if you look you'll find the child" — an Advent meditation on the Gospel of Mary

Intuition of the Universe

Celebrating Advent without misrepresentation, sentimentalism or parody (and a couple of recommended books)

And much cattle . . . In memoriam John Davis.