
Our sentimental addiction to "Paths of Glory" — A Remembrance Sunday meditation

A walk to Meg's Mount from Wandlebury along the Roman Road and a note about "divine hiddenness" and the "argument from non-belief" for atheism

If we are going to have faith that _______ to guide all our religious activities, what proposition should fill the blank? On an Evolutionary Religion

Galen Project starts in Cambridge tomorrow evening — Friday 31st October 7.30-9.30pm Unitarian Hall CB1 1JW

A walk out from Cambridge across the meadows to Grantchester

The “Light Upon The Candlestick” — a call for us to celebrate the Enlightenment (Aufklärung) and raise a toast to "The Light of Reason"

"The newer testament — the Gospel according to this moment" — being, in part, a meditation upon the differences between Thoreau’s scimitar and that wielded by ISIS

Friday 17th October - playing with ART THEMEN at Headhunters Jazz Club, Hunter Club Bury St Edmunds