
Let Us Fully Think Through Our Liberation—From a lecture by Dr. N. F. Čapek, January 1925

Blue Flowers on the kitchen table

Ito Shōshin (伊藤証信, いとうしょうしん) (1876-1963) — A great philosopher of the fields, who lived a lifetime embodying the truth of Selfless Love (無我愛, Muga-ai)

Wednesday Photo(s): The Don Juan Café in the Dane John Gardens, Canterbury

Preparing for a lowercase “c” christmas

Wednesday Photo (on a Thursday): Margate, May 2022

Norbert Fabián Čapek’s “Ten Principles of Living”

The morning walk through Christ’s Pieces to my study at the Unitarian Church and the walk back

Wednesday Photo: November tea-time in Sheringham 2019

The Autumn of Life—a short film created to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of Czech Unitarianism and as a tribute to Norbert Fabian Čapek for his unyielding will and the ultimate sacrifice of his life

A project to translate “Norbert Fabián Čapek’s “To the Sunny Shore: A Guide to Living Joyfully” (“K slunnému brehu: Prúvodce do radostného Zivota”)

Wednesday Photo: Anticyclonic gloom over King’s College, Cambridge