
“Colours” — A Short Christmas Day Reflection on two of Norbert Fabián Čapek’s responsive Christmas meditations

A first-draft English translation of the 1939 edition of Norbert Fabián Čapek’s “To the Sunny Shore: A Guide to Living Joyfully” (K slunnému brehu: Prúvodce do radostného Zivota)

Kiitsu Kyōkai — Thursday Zoom Meetings for Seiza Meditation (Quiet Sitting) and Conversation

Liturgies of Spiritual Gatherings in the Early Days of Czech Unitarianism
 by Kristýna Ledererová Kolajová

Winter cycling along the River Cam at Waterbeach

Wednesday Photo: Fenland landscape by Long Drove, near Bottisham Lock

Wednesday Photo: Canturbury Cathedral, looking westward through the screen into the nave