
Scattering beautiful, jubilant grains of sand on the slippery slope and in the cogs of the (normalization) machine

The heat of the sun and the cooling philosophy of Nietzsche and Epicurus

The Cambridge Unitarian Church Memorial Garden—one of four town gardens

“We say God and the imagination are one... How high that highest candle lights the dark”—a religion without God and an ecology without Nature?

When you realize that everything is interconnected, you can't hold on to a concept of a single, solid, present-at-hand thing “over there” called Nature—a few photos of a very hot Botanic Garden and a few words by Timothy Morton

What's the minister up to?

An après dérive—being a devout meditation in memory of John Reston (d. 1551), Doctor of Divinity—the subversive and transformative act of drifting

“Of course there is no God. But we must believe in Him”—Eric Voegelin (1901-1985)

What Lord Bullock taught me about drawing a line when encountering fascism and neo-Nazism and a link to a thread by David Roberts