
Roadside wild-flowers in Fen Ditton

An insurrectionary necromancy: on hauntology, open futures and talking with ghosts

How can we live in such a way that we die only once?—a few hauntological photos of some eighteenth-century gravestones in Fen Ditton

The frothing of the hedges I keep deep inside me—a few photos from a walk along Fleam Dyke and round Fulbourn Fen

Two bogeymen to scare the children—'relativism' and its cousin 'nihilsim'

"How not to be a chucklehead"—felicitously doing things with words in the interstitial places of our culture

Thinking about details and 'minute particulars'

A few photos of the Histon Road Cemetery and St. Giles' Cemetery off the Huntingdon Road