
A late autumn cycle up to Wandlebury, a walk around the park and along the Roman Road

“Firm ground is not available ground.”—A meditation upon two poems by A. R. Ammons

A genealogy of the sound of a liquid-cooled, V-12, 27-litre Rolls-Royce Merlin piston engine — A Remembrance Sunday meditation

Horace Lamb’s hydrodynamics and Rupert Brooke’s poetry—Encouraging the “two cultures” to meet and talk

Everything is within the world of meaningfulness: the world holds forth. A written and photographic meditation on autumn and dying

Our energizing paradox: a still unfolding Radical Reformation—Some thoughts on the 500th anniversary of the mainstream Magisterial Reformation

Rooks, a bare tree and a boathouse at Fen Ditton Ditch