
‘We are the Christians who move on’ or ‘Overcoming is worthy only when we think about incorporation’ — some thoughts on ‘God’, ‘verwindung’ and ‘überwindung’

Some words on “cultural unity” and a personal, continuing commitment to the “European Project”—A post to mourn the tragic and foolhardy moment the UK leaves the EU

A Pantheist Pilgrimage—by bicycle in winter sun to visit Agnes Arber’s grave in Girton

More thoughts about naps on boats and biblical counterblows to [neoliberal, capitalist] oppression

The Climate Crisis: A Clergy Call to Action

A few photos of the Stanground of “The Stoneground Ghost Tales” (1912) by E. G. Swain

A New Year’s (Decade’s) Resolution?—Be more like Jesus—Some lessons for Unitarian & Free Christians from the Marginal Mennonites and some Trappist Monks