An early spring walk to Wandlebury and the River Granta

Today was as beautiful an early spring day as one is ever going to get and so I took the opportunity to cycle up to Wandlebury and then to walk along the Roman Road, down to the River Granta and Stapleford, back up to Magog Down and then cycle home. It's one of my favourite walks with plenty of places where one can stop and admire the landscape as well as lie back on the grass to eat lunch and philosophize. On this occasion I stopped at the bridge over the River Granta you'll see in the pictures below and I took the time to read a few stanzas of Lucretius' poem "On the Nature of Things" as well as the opening section of Jacob Bauthaumley's "The Light and Dark Sides of God". A splendid day.

As always I took some photos and paste them below for your pleasure. On this occasion I for the most part used my iPhone 6+ with the excellent Filmborn app. The colour setting emulates Kodak Portra 400 film and the black and white Ilford Pan-F. At the very end I add a couple of photos using the Hipstamatic app. Just click on a photo to enlarge it.




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