A few lines by Empedocles and a few photos of the Cambridge University Botanic Garden

A few lines by Empedocles and a few photos of the Cambridge University Botanic Garden
All taken with a Fuji X100F
Just click on a photo to enlarge it

Just like when painters
work on intricately ornamented pictures—
professionals, well skilled in their craft through
mêtis, who take special paints of various colours
in their hands and mix them with either greater
harmony or less to produce shapes and forms
resembling anything or everything, creating
trees and men and women and animals and birds
and water-nourished fish and long-lived gods
who have the highest dignity and honours—
just so, don't let deception overthrow the seat
of your awareness and make you believe that
whatever you see, all those countless numbers of
mortal beings around you, has any other source.
But know this, and know it clearly, once you have 
heard these words spoken by a god.

On Nature (frag. 23) by Empedocles
translated by Peter Kingsley
