Some photos of a sunny, windy, winter’s day walk to Grantchester by the River Cam in the company of Martin Heidgger and A. R. Ammons

This morning, on a windy but lovely and sunny, late winter’s day, I took myself off to Grantchester and the famous Orchard Tea Garden where I spent a happy hour drinking tea and reading Heidegger’s   (to me wonderful and inspiring) short essay, The Pathway and also some poems from A. R. Ammons’ 1964 collection Expressions of Sea Level. As always, I took a few photos along the way and post them here for your pleasure. The last two I took when I got back into town, the first is of the chapel of Corpus Christi College, the second (in colour) is of the covered walkway in front of the chapel in Emmanuel College.

All taken with a Fuji X100F 
Just click on a photo to enlarge it
