A Holding Post for August: A radical theology for the future: five theses

The current state of my study . . .
Thankfully, I can down tools for a little while during August and try to rest up before recommencing work in September. So, in consequence, I won’t be posting anything here until then. However, it struck me that I might post a useful holding post at this point to direct readers to Jeffrey W Robbins & Clayton Crockett’s excellent and very clear essay called “A radical theology for the future: five theses.” It represents well the kind of direction my own theological thinking has been moving in for the past decade and I’m very grateful to the authors for writing it in the first place. So, in case it helps any of you I post a link to it below. 

As always, thank you to all my readers for your support over the past year. It is much appreciated. 

With the warmest of wishes as always.   

