
Showing posts with the label Brexit

Learning to live confidently, creatively & hopefully at the dialectic’s point of change

What then must we do?

Just wear, tear and the drying out of wood?—On the (non)miraculous appearance of a cross in the Cambridge Unitarian Church

“Dizzy with déjà vu”—A meditation on the heatwave, edgelands, Summerfield Avenue & Big Data

"Europe in crisis: which ‘new foundation’?" | A powerful and thought-provoking essay by Etienne Balibar 1 December 2017

The good prophet or the bad? A further thought on Franco "Bifo" Berardi's letter of resignation from DiEM25

DiEM25 UK Launch—Saturday January 28th, 2017, 10am—Conway Hall, London

Some words of Max Picard relevant to our own times . . .

How to revitalise progressive politics in Brexit Britain

Are we entering a post-modern 1930s?—a few dark reflections following an evening talking about Equal Marriage and why it matters

The Anglarchist: For the Liberties of England