
Showing posts with the label Epicurus

Mothering Sunday—The maternalizing of matter and the materializing of the mother”—A poetic, supreme fiction for our age

Herbert Fingarette (1921-2018)—"Being 97": An ageing philosopher returns to the essential question: ‘What is the point of it all?’

Must the answer be kingship, priesthood and death?—Seeking a wholly naturalized celebration of Epiphany

A pilgrimage to the grave of the poet Edward Fitzgerald, the translator (or rather re-presenter) of the “Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyám”

“The midmost hangs for love”—being a brief autobiographical piece about my own journey to “Christian atheism” or “ecstatic humanism”

Some philosophical lessons learnt from the contemplation of marvellous puddles—or one way to keep poetry and science together

Somewhere inbetween ghosts and demagoguery—or, what to do now there is now no such thing as “Unitarianism”