
Showing posts with the label Memorial Church

Religion after the death of God—A conversation with Rupert Read, Andrew Brown and Stephen Watson—A Cambridge Festival of Ideas event

TONIGHT @ 7.30pm—A conversation about "Religion after the death of God"—A Cambridge Festival of Idea event

A Church of the Free Spirit — a brief address for the renewal of my contract and the giving of tenure

Channelling Daido Moriyama — The "Provoke" camera app by Toshihiko Tambo

. . . and everything is dissolved into the call to justice and charity to one’s neighbour.

A Wedding Address for Polly Ingham and Andy Watts — Mrs and Mr Ingham-Watts

In Memoriam: Jonathan Harrison (1924-2014) — On the religious benefits of running with the hares and hunting with the hounds and of having one’s cake and eating it