
Showing posts with the label Simon Critchley

On losing one's ball—a liberal religious meditation on the inauguration of Donald Trump and Democracy

“A being (l’étant) is a human being and it is as a neighbour that a human being is accessible — as a face.”

Christmas Day 2016: A [subversive] Charlie Brown Christmas—a (gentle) ethics of commitment and politics of resistance

On Christmas Day I'll be giving an address called "A [subversive] Charlie Brown Christmas—an ethics of commitment and politics of resistance "

Full-Private Number One in the Awkward Squad of the rank and file of life—the creation of a liberal, democratic, progressive hegemony or coalition.

Exhaustion Café?—A piece for the DiEM25 goup in Cambridge

The freedom to be tomorrow what we are not today—becoming Free Spirits and Archeologists of Morning

A self-critical and disturbing thought to consider following the assassination of Jo Cox, MP

A faith of the faithless that is an openness to love

The Confraternity of the Faithless

"Let's face it. We're undone by each other. And if we're not, we're missing something."

Infinitely Demanding Anarchism: An Interview with Simon Critchley by Seferin James

Spring sunlight with Hipstamatic's Arjan "film" and Lowy "lens"

Sabbatical Reading and some thanks to you all