
"Toward a Humanist Vocabulary of Reverence" (an essay by David Bumbaugh) and the "Declaration of the Marginal Mennonite Society"

When the rain comes . . .

A photo of the long brown path across Stourbridge Common, Cambridge

Some black & white photos of Stourbridge Common and Ditton Meadows

The Free Mind and the "Rationale of Religious Enquiry"

The wind comforts us as fondly as our mother's arms / The sunlight is like our best friend's recognizing laughter

A hot summer's day spin out into the fens, a few photos and a thought about religious naturalism

A New Law of Righteousness—Some reflections following the Grenfell Tower Fire

Blonde on Blonde—Jim Mullen's guitar and my bass

Jerome A. Stone's short talk on religious naturalism given to seventh and eighth graders