
Six ways of looking a fenland reeds— a light that gives clarity and sharpness . . . that subdues and blurs

The vanguard of their peoples— A meditation on Hannah Arendt’s 1943 essay, “We Refugees” for Hope Not Hate's "One Day With(out) Us"

A touch of the Indian sub-continent on a winter afternoon in the Cambridge University Botanic Garden

A common ground? A Unitarian and Universalist religious naturalist meditation on Darwin’s 207th birthday

Some photos from a couple of strolls by the River Cam, Cambridge

Set My People Free!—Ernst Bloch, Hope and the Bible

My report on the DiEM25 UK organisational launch now on the openDemocracy and DiEM25 websites

The West needs a New Deal – Yanis Varoufakis on BBC2 Newsnight

A short walk along the River Cam on a cold and damp Tuesday afternoon