
A Time for Prayer: A piece written for the Brahmo Samaj, India following the 2005 7/7 London bombings and offered again, today, after the suicide attack in Manchester

Revisiting Michael Roberts' call for a good, progressive, leftist, liberal rhetoric

Resisiting the dualist view of the world—A few words by Paul Wienpahl (1916-1980) accompanied by some photos of the Cambridge University Botanic Garden

Cattle on Stourbridge Common, Cambridge—A few photos

Pirates and Unitarians—On radical democracy, utopias, Islam and ideas of unity

Roadside wild-flowers in Fen Ditton

An insurrectionary necromancy: on hauntology, open futures and talking with ghosts

How can we live in such a way that we die only once?—a few hauntological photos of some eighteenth-century gravestones in Fen Ditton

The frothing of the hedges I keep deep inside me—a few photos from a walk along Fleam Dyke and round Fulbourn Fen