
A Christmas Tree & a food bank collection box—a shameful juxtaposition and a representation of the "new normal"

Vladislav Surkov’s dark arts and their appearance in the UK during the current General Election campaign

“This General Election is a Choice Between the End of Democracy or the End of Neoliberalism” by Abbey Innes from the LSE

Advent and Christmas for Free Spirits—The bloom and magic of things that are nearest

Some photos from today's demonstration against the visit to Cambridge by the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

The shocking news that Recap Tayyip Erdogan has been invited to the opening of the new Cambridge Mosque

A few photos from an early winter walk to Emmanuel College and the Cambridge University Botanic Garden

A few thoughts about the role an ontology of motion and a performative new-materialism plays in my work as minister at the Cambridge Unitarian Church

If anything will level with you water will—a meditation on flows, folds and fields, the material conditions of nature as she appears

The great mutual blindness darkened that sunlight in the park—A Remembrance Sunday memorial address for all those killed in war, including those who were, or still are, our enemies